
Courses delivered online

With the flexibility to learn in a place that works for you, our online delivery offers remote learning through online platforms and resources to help you learn wherever you are.

Our Campuses

Box Hill - Online Learning

Flexible Study with Box Hill Institute

Box Hill Institute offers courses that are delivered online, giving you the freedom and flexibility to learn in a place that works for you. Our online courses involve classes that are delivered remotely through a range of specific industry platforms and requires self-discipline to complete coursework independently.

Your studies will include: 

  • Attending lessons run through online programs
  • Viewing pre-recorded sessions
  • Assigned reading
  • Tutorials
  • Discussion boards
  • Online activities 

Studying online requires self-discipline. You need to make time to attend online tutorials, access resources, and complete tasks and assignments.



How will my classes be taught online?

Online learning can involve a range of programs and resources depending on the class being taught.

Box Hill Institute has a number of online learning technologies available including StudentWeb, Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, Skype and specific industry platforms. 

Course work may also include the use of pre-recorded sessions, assigned reading, tutorials, discussion boards, and online activities.

Will there be any support for students learning online for the first time?

Our student support services have developed Remote Ready resources available in StudentWeb, which includes how-to guides and training on how to use a number of our core remote delivery tools.

If I have another question about studying online, who can I ask?

Our Customer Service team is available to answer any of your questions, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm:

  • Call us on 1300 269 445
  • Chat to us on Facebook Messenger
  • Submit a Course Enquiry