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Box Hill Institute Seeks Industry Partnerships to Build Migrant Workers’ English Skills


Box Hill Institute is seeking industry partnerships with employers to develop their migrant workers’ English proficiency.

In 2019, the Australian Government announced Foundation Skills for Your Future (FSfYF) as a means to support Australians in upskilling or reskilling for new roles; obtaining and retaining secure employment; and/or undertaking further education and training.

As an approved FSfYF provider, Box Hill Institute has identified a particularly urgent need across Australian industry sectors to upskill the English language skills of migrant workers, which FSfYF funding is optimally positioned to address.

Box Hill Institute now seeks to partner with employers to develop critical English language skills in Australia’s migrant workforces, through customised collaborative FSfYF projects; giving both individuals and employers confidence that English language proficiency will not be a barrier to successful work outcomes.

Supporting Employers to Build Migrant Workers’ English Skills

Box Hill Institute has established itself as a Victorian leader in the development and delivery of English as an Additional Language (EAL) training throughout numerous highly successful recent projects, such as our partnership delivery of the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), an Australian Government initiative helping migrants and refugees to improve their English skills as they settle in Australia.

Box Hill Institute’s exceptionally experienced, passionate and knowledgeable learning and development team is keen to collaborate with partner organisations in developing and delivering English language training for migrant workers in Australia, contextualised to their real world and on-the-job needs.

This could include:

  • Increased familiarity with spoken and written English in specific work contexts
  • Enhanced sector-specific terminology, and job-related or technical language
  • Improved ability to communicate with co-workers, managers and customers
  • Deeper job engagement and confidence to work more autonomously, as well as actively contribute as part of a larger team

Tailored Learning Options for Each Employer’s Migrant Workforce

Box Hill Institute’s extensive background and expertise in the EAL space has furnished its team with valuable insight into the most effective ways to engage different learner cohorts. We are readily able to develop and deliver English language training that is fully customised to each employer’s unique needs across a variety of parameters including:

  • In a classroom or online
  • Daytime, evening or weekend classes
  • General language or special-focus classes.

Get In Touch to Find Out More

Our team will be happy to explore how Box Hill Institute can partner with your organisation and apply the FSfYF program to help your migrant workers build their English skills, thereby enabling them to contribute more effectively in their work role and to connect more deeply within your organisation and their community.

For more information, contact 1300 454 188.